
Please be honest.. You wanna have sex with me ;-D I know that.. How wouldn't? LOL! I know I would! Cum on don't be shy... I ain't gonna bite... just devour your cock as my deep pussy and mouth sip through every last bit of drop of your cum! ;-D
Age 37
BodyType BBW
Ethnicity Caucasian
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Perri 39 years old Hey honeybear! Sexdating is still a great big TABOO for some but not for me anymore! Been doing it for a couple of years now and I must say it is exactly the thing that I need. Well I would go as far as to say that it's what every busy girl needs to ease her mind (if you don't have a BF to take care of that that is. And now with all these sites focussing on pure sexdating is has gotten even easier. To be real I think I have had about 4 sexdates in the las couple of years from this site. I do have pretty high demands and standards when it comes to the men I would arrange such a date with. List is to long to put here but I believe everyone deserves a fair shot so just make sure that you have a profile with a couple of recent pics and tell me something about yourself and what your likes and dislikes are. Sorry but no profile no response.